replace your mattress Miami

4 Warnings Signs It’s Time to Replace your Mattress

Replace your Mattress

It’s our human nature to grow fond of the objects in our daily lives, such as pieces of furniture, an electronic device or even a mattress. Whether it’s because we bought it with our first pay-check or it was a family heritage, we tend to develop a connection with that object. It makes us sad when we need to replace it, but even the best products will break over time and become useless.

When it comes to mattresses, conventional wisdom says we need to replace them every ten years, but sometimes we need to part ways even sooner if unmistakable signs tell us it’s time to get a new mattress. As I see it, there are four important aspects to consider when analyzing whether it’s time to say goodbye to your old bed:

Waking up doesn’t feel good

A good night sleep must help you wake up feeling well-rested and energized. When your mornings start with pains in your back, neck or shoulders, it’s a clear sign that your mattress has lost its ability to support your body correctly.
If you wake up tired and drowsy, the cause may be too much tossing and turning in bed during the night, as your body is struggling to find a comfortable sleeping position and it doesn’t succeed because the mattress can’t provide the right level of firmness and the necessary comfort. It happens as they grow old or if they are of poor quality.

Lumps, sagging, squeaks, and creaks

The quality and durability of the bed that holds the mattress are essential. Both those traits condition the capacity of the mattress to do its job. So, if you have a spring bed that starts squeaking or creaking, that’s not a good sign. Check the foundation: broken or overused box springs can affect the mattress’s comfort, support, and shape.

When your mattress becomes lumpy or saggy, it’s time to look for a new one. Over time, body impressions may occur on your mattress; if they are more than 1.5 inches deep, you should replace it. If you sink into your bed, even with no visible sagging, that means the core of your foam or memory foam mattress has softened.

You develop allergies or other respiratory problems

Any mattress attracts household allergens, even if you keep them clean and aired. Dust mites prosper in mattresses and bedding. Memory foam, latex, and waterbeds are the most resistant materials to dust mites, but not for always.
So, if you’re sensitive to such allergens and you sense that your condition worsens especially in the morning, this may be an indicator that the mattress is at fault. It’s not just allergies that should worry you: any respiratory issues that you develop may be an indicator that it’s time to change your bed and invest in a healthier option.


Age becomes an issue

If you can’t remember when you bought (or inherited) your mattress, it means your bed is old enough to be replaced. It’s not just the age of the mattress that should matter, but yours as well. According to sleep specialists, the older you get, the firmer your bed should be to support your body correctly. Thus, experts say that after the age of 40 you should change your mattress every seven-eight years instead of waiting ten years or even more.

Also, with age comes the need for more comfort, so it’s wiser to choose a larger size. I’ve recently had a discussion on this topic with several unbiased reviewers. John from Try Mattress explained the reasoning for that option: “Aging and putting on weight (as much as we don’t want them to happen) are two main reasons for choosing a king size bed because, as we age, sleeping comfortably in generous space becomes a critical requirement.


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